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If you’re looking to address the effects of ageing on your face and neck, our highly skilled team offers a range of Facial Plastic Surgery procedures to help you put your best face forward.
A rhytidectomy, such as a lower facelift or neck lift, corrects signs of ageing, such as facial lines and wrinkles, or sagging skin.
Blepharoplasty removes excess skin folds and bulging fat bags on the upper and/or lower eyelids.
It is important to note that the success of these procedures requires both skin and muscle tightening to produce a long-lasting aesthetic result. It also depends on the inherent elastic qualities of your skin. Dr Tonks or Dr Rome may recommend non-surgical skin treatments prior to surgery to improve the elastic qualities of the skin, ensuring optimal surgical outcomes.
A lower facelift focuses on the lower third of the face to remove excess skin, improving wrinkles and ‘sagging’ skin. The Rhytidectomy (neck lift) focuses on the neck to improve ‘sagging’ or excess skin under the jaw, down to the lower part of the neck.
A lower facelift reduces excess or sagging skin from the lower face. It may help improve the appearance of wrinkles but will not remove them completely.
Usually, Dr Tonks, Dr Rome and their team of aesthetic nurses will use a combination of both non-surgical and surgical options to provide the most natural looking results.
All surgeries carry some risk, including infection, abnormal scarring and altered sensation. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss all the possible risks and side effects. General risks of surgery can be found here.
No, such procedures are performed under local anaesthetic in Dr Tonks and Dr Romes private theatre as a day procedure. We do ask that you have a friend or family member escort you both to and from the procedure.
Patients generally recover quite quickly from these procedures. Usually within a week or two the bruising and swelling has reduced and the suture lines have healed. We do recommend scar management thereafter.
Dr Tonks and Dr Rome performs such surgeries in their on-site procedure room under local anaesthetic.
The lower facelift and Rhytidectomy (neck lift) last for many years, however, patients may need further surgery after 10 years as the skin will continue to age.
The lower facelift scars are well hidden along the front of the ear and extend down the sides of the neck for a Rhytidectomy (neck lift).
The surgical fee starts from $5000. This includes your post operative appointments and Healite treatments for optimal wound healing and scar reduction.
Approximately 1–1 hour 30 minutes.
No, due to the cosmetic nature of this surgery there is no Medicare item number associated.
Yes. However, while it will improve the bags and wrinkles around the eyes, it will not improve wrinkles on the cheeks, temples or forehead. Non-surgical options may be more suited for these concerns.
The loose folds of skin that droop over the upper eyelid can be removed to make the eyes appear more open and younger looking.
Yes, the loose folds of skin that droop over the upper eyelid can be removed to make the eyes appear larger.
An eyelid reduction will not remove the dark circles that can occur around the eyes, crows feel or droopy eye brows. Other non-surgical options are a great alternative to treat dark under eyes such as PRP or tear trough filler.
The need for a blepharoplasty is generally due to the normal ageing process, therefore, eyelid surgery is usually performed on patients over 40 years of age.
Typically, the results of blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) can last 10+ years. However, as we continue to age, the need may arise for a patient to repeat surgery in 10 to 20 years.
Yes, all surgical incisions leave a scar. However, blepharoplasty scars usually heal very well, are well hidden in the crease of the upper eyelid, and respond well to scar management.
The procedure involves carefully removing the loose fold of excess skin that droops over the upper eyelid, whilst retaining the natural shape of the eye. Dr Tonks and Dr Rome perform blepharoplasty surgery under either a local or general anaesthetic. There will be some skin-coloured tapes securing the sutures. Bruising and swelling are very common with blepharoplasty surgery.
Some patients find that having anti-wrinkle injections strategically placed in the frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet areas can subtly and temporarily improve heavy eyelids. This is a wonderful non-surgical alternative to surgery.
No, surgery is performed as a day procedure. However, you will need a relative or friend to drive you to and from our clinic or hospital and stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.
Following surgery, you will have some small, skin-coloured tapes placed around the eyes to secure and cover your sutures. Swelling and bruising are likely to occur and will resolve around 3-4 weeks following surgery. Approximately 6 days after your surgery you will return to our rooms for your suture removal and complimentary Healite treatment.
Serious problems after eyelid surgery are uncommon but the associated risks include:
Discomfort is usually mild and typically limited to the incisions. Dr Tonks, Dr Rome or your anaesthetist may prescribe pain relief or recommend regular paracetamol to help alleviate any pain or discomfort.
Dr Tonks and Dr Rome perform blepharoplasty either under a local or general anaesthetic and this is discussed in consultation with each individual patient.
Dr Tonks and Dr Rome’s surgical fee starts from $4000. Please note that this does not include anaesthetist or hospital fees.
Yes, there is a Medicare item number for this procedure and private health insurance may help to cover the hospital fees. Dr Tonks or Dr Rome will determine your eligibility during your consultation.
Dr Tonks and Dr Rome can also perform eyelid surgery procedures in our private rooms for patients who don’t have private health insurance.